On this page you can find all kinds of great information and activities about natural gas. You can do the activities with your friends, your class or on your own.
And, as always,
stay Safe and Smart!
On this page you can find all kinds of great information and activities about natural gas. You can do the activities with your friends, your class or on your own.
And, as always,
stay Safe and Smart!
Many ovens use natural gas. You can bake a yummy apple pie in a natural gas oven.
You can make a grilled cheese sandwich and some tomato soup for lunch on a natural gas range top.
A natural gas furnace will keep your home toasty warm in the winter.
Water heaters use natural gas to heat the water we use for taking bubble baths.
Some cars and buses run on natural gas instead of gasoline.
Power plants can use natural gas to make electricity and keep your lights on.
Scientists use natural gas to heat chemicals to make things we use every day.
Purpose of Activity: Review, Reading and Reading Comprehension
Four Cs of 21st Century Education Skills: Communication and Critical Thinking
Description: An interactive digital story to help students read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Teachers can use this activity to support and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words and meanings.
Follow Buddy as he learns how we use natural gas and how to be safe around it. He will talk to Granny Grayflame, Wanda Water Heater and The Blue Flame to figure out as much as he can! Come along on his adventure!
Time: 20-30 minutes
Grade Range: 1st-2nd
Join Buddy and Wanda as they head to the park to find their friends! Along the way, they talk to Sophia Squirrel, Tony Llama and Hendry Honey Badger as they learn all about how we use natural gas and ways to be safe around it too!
Time: 20-30 minutes
Grade Range: 1st-2nd